Sabin Behavioral Health of Ward Psychological Services

Not knowing when the dawn will come, I open every door.
- Emily Dickinson

Appointments can be made by calling the office between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. If you call after hours and leave a message your call will be returned by the office manager the next business day.

Paperwork must be completed prior to scheduling your first appointment. The paperwork can be obtained in person at our Smyrna location, or you may call (615-269-4990) or text (see bottom right of screen HERE.) to request that a link to the paperwork be emailed to you. Once the paperwork has been completed and returned to our office, we will contact you to schedule the appointment.

Payment options:

1) We accept most private insurance companies. We will file a claim with your private insurance carrier and collect necessary co-payments at the time of service. Please call or email if you have any questions regarding our private insurance procedures.

2) Private pay. Payments on the date of service is required and can be made with cash, check or credit card.

3) If you were referred to us by worker's compensation, all charges will be made directly to the worker's compensation agency. No additional charges are made to the client.

4) If you were referred to us by Tennessee Vocational Rehabilitation, all charges are made directly to Vocational Rehabilitation. No additional charges are made to the client.

404 North Castle Heights Ave Suite F Lebanon, TN 37087

Phone:615-269-4990 Fax:615-953-9862

695 President Place Suite 202 Smyrna, TN 37167

Phone:615-269-4990 Fax:615-953-9862